Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Support Ron Paul?

I've been heavily involved in politics for over 10 years and am well versed in American history.  When I read Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers, I realize that they preferred a limited federal government where the people are entitled to their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  If we fast forward to modern day, there seems to be only one candidate who still believes in these founding principles: Ron Paul.  He advocates for the elimination of the federal income tax, which allows the government to take our private property.  Dr. Paul pushes for a gold standard because the government will continue to destroy the value of the dollar which will lead to rising prices.  And he is against the concept of centralized economic planning, which is leading the world to the brink of financial bankruptcy.  If you like what you hear, consider donating to Ron Paul so we can restore the principles of limited government and individual liberty.

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